Leonardo da Vinci's self portraitLeonardo da Vinci is most notably known for being a “total Renaissance man”, who was able to use his gift of art to capture the beauty of Biblical figures, while applying newer painting techniques to make his creations seem realistic and emotional. Despite da Vinci’s close relationship with painting religious photos, da Vinci himself was considered to be “agnostic at most”.Despite his personal beliefs regarding God and a higher entity, he cultivated artwork that captured holy figures, whilst applying humanity to their emotions and depictions; da Vinci “created moving and theologically profound images that reflect a deep understanding of the Christian faith…[he] stamped an indelible impression on the Christian tradition, shaping the way we think about certain subjects and biblical events today…in a society that [is] essentially Christian, as Renaissance Italy was”.8


 7 Smith, Rachel. "A Renaissance gallery: five artists who captured the imagination of the church."
Christian History and Biography, Summer 2006, 37+. Gale OneFile: Religion and Philosophy, (accessed February 25,
2020). https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A255656258/PPRP?u=miss91533&sid=PPRP&xid=e48fe8e9.

8 Ibid.